Our New York HR Director recently had the opportunity to sit down with IQPC NYC’s Rookie of The Year who closed an impressive $800k + in 2017 and is on pace to close an outstanding $1.5m in 2018!  Here’s what he had to say about his “life changing” experience with IQPC.


rookieIQPC seems like a real change in direction in your career why did you choose us? 

I feel very lucky to be here; I was in a sales job that offered me no real growth and was essentially taking me nowhere.

Then, completely by chance, I met an IQPC-er at a rooftop party and he seemed brilliant!  He talked about his work with a passion that I hadn’t ever heard before and I was immediately intrigued.

It was clear to me that there was loads of intrinsic value at his workplace.    He convinced me to come in for an interview and ultimately, I took the plunge and joined the team. I think my experience shows that people from all walks of life can succeed at IQPC if they have the drive to do so.

Who has helped you along the way? 

The hands on training and coaching here are tremendous!

In the beginning you’re given training wheels in terms of a well developed sales process to follow combined with your manager being on calls with you and jumping in to escalate or close the deal.  As soon as they think you are ready those training wheels come off and you’re given room to do it on your own.

I had my share of failures at first  but then got the hang of closing deals on my own.  Had my manager not believed in my abilities and allowed me to fail, I would never have been able to do it!

Besides the 1:1 coaching we have an assortment of interactive group training where we get to provide each other with constructive feedback as peers, the best part, they’re really, really fun!

From a bigger picture perspective, working at IQPC has made me an expert in the markets I sell into; I understand the buy-sell relationship on a deep level, I know how to do high level market research and generate high quality leads on my own.

I get to speak with VPs at huge companies like Uber, Google — when you speak to executives of that caliber, every sales call turns into a massive learning opportunity; my business acumen has skyrocketed and my career trajectory has been catapulted!

You clearly enjoy your work, what makes it so enjoyable for you?

You’re able to bring your personality to the sale which makes it fun!  After a while you’re able to grow beyond the baseline sales process by adding your own flavor, utilizing your market knowledge, looking at the product and really knowing your space.

And what do you think of the culture and team environment?

We’re so busy day to day there’s not much time to be social from 9-5, but we put a lot of energy into after work activities and social activities.  Our Culture Club does a great job of organizing events for us.

It’s a highly collaborative environment…

…we come together as a team daily as we work on our events and on occasion we’ll do an offsite cross functional team training where we get in-depth perspective from other departments; for example How Delegate Sales sells, How Marketing thinks, etc. There’s lots of camaraderie and we certainly enjoy our happy hours 🙂

Any final thoughts? 

In all sincerity, working here has completely changed my life!

It’s enabled me to move from outer Queens (Howard Beach) to inner queens (Maspeth) and finally to my goal neighborhood, the Upper East Side. My previous sales job was all luck, here I can do better market research,  be more targeted, work smarter – I create my good ‘luck’ and control my destiny.  You make your success at IQPC,  if you put in the work, you will reap the rewards!

And last but not least any book recommendations for other people to want to improve their skills?   

Yes, the Challenger Sale, The Lost Art of Closing & The 4 hour Workweek are all MUST reads in my opinion.

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